Daily Mirror’s Fiona gets help from Nigel’s Eco Store
We have all enjoyed the red-hot weather in September and October 2011 but the coming winter is predicated to be super cold.
Saving energy and keeping warm on a budget, even in an older house, are part of Nigel’s mission to keep us all safe from the coming freeze.
First off he attacks the big hole in Fiona’s house, the letterbox, and as expected he fits the best solution around our Ecoflap.
The result? Instantly the house feels warmer!
Next he worked on improving the effectiveness of radiators using low power fans and heat reflectors.
Following that using a simple double glazing film and a hair dryer he produces near invisible extra draught protection for old windows.
Eventually tracking down remaining draughts around doors and stopping them with excluders to seal around them.
Ending the attack on draughts with wooden floor board gap filler to discreetly seal them too.
Everything, including the Ecolfap all came in at a cost of £101.84 from Nigel’s Eco Store.